Poznámka: Po uložení musíte vyprázdniť pribežnú pamäť prehliadača: Mozilla: poklepte na Reload (alebo Ctrl-R), IE / Opera: Ctrl-F5, Safari: Cmd-R, Konqueror Ctrl-R.

/* Highlight clicked reference in blue to help navigation */
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/* If there is an inline link to a full citation, the full citation will turn blue when the inline link is clicked */
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/* Do not expand URLs within citations for printing. The URLs should be included explicitly, to avoid confusion */

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/* For linked citation numbers and document IDs, where the number need not be shown on a screen or a handheld, but should be included in the printed version */

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/* Content in columns with CSS instead of tables [[Template:Columns]] */
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/*Add formatting to make sure that "external references" from [[Template:Ref]] do
  not get URL expansion, not even when printed. The mechanism up to MediaWiki 1.4 was
  that the HTML code contained a SPAN following the anchor A; this SPAN had the class
  "urlexpansion", which was not displayed on screen, but was shown when the medium was
  "print". The rules below ensure (a) that there is no extra padding to the right of
  the anchor (displayed as "[<number>]"), (b) that there is no "external link arrow" for
  the link, and (c) that this SPAN of class "urlexpansion" is never shown.
  — [[User:Danny B.|Danny B.]] 11:17, 9. október 2012 (UTC)

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/* Make sure that ext links displayed within "plainlinksneverexpand" don't get
   the arrow...
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/* With MediaWiki 1.5, the mechanism has changed: instead of a SPAN of class "urlexpansion"
   following the anchor A, the anchor itself now has class "external autonumber" and the
   expansion is inserted when printing (see the common printing style sheet at
   //en.wikipedia.org/w/skins/common/commonPrint.css) using the ":after" pseudo-
   element of CSS. We have to switch this off for links due to Template:Ref!
.plainlinksneverexpand a.external.text:after {
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/* Pseudo-classes in support of [[Template:lang]]. */

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   instance, will limit to showing ==headings== and ===headings=== but no further (as long as
   there are no =headings= on the page, which there shouldn't be according to the MoS). */
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/* Reduce line-height for <sup> and <sub> */
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//////////// Styly neinportovane z anglickej wikipedie ///////////////////////////

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/* Šablóna:Cudzojazyčne */
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 * [[Šablóna:Ceduľa]]
 * @author [[User:Danny B.]]
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 * @brief Boxy napravo
 * @author [[meta:User:Danny B.]]

table.rightbox {
	float: right;
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 * @brief Pozadí pod průhlednými obrázky na stránce souboru
 * @author [[meta:User:Danny B.]]

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